Peacemaker: James Gunn Explains Why [SPOILERS] Were Absent During the Finale's Cameo Scene

WARNING: This article contains spoilers about the season one finale episode of Peacemaker titled "It's Cow or Never."

The season finale of Peacemaker featured a jaw-dropping cameo appearance of the Justice League, particularly Jason Momoa's Aquaman and Ezra Miller's The Flash who actually showed up on-screen for a few seconds. The scene also featured Superman and Wonder Woman appearing through silhouette although Batman and Cyborg were absent in the line-up. A lot of fans were wondering why they were missing in the scene. Now, we have the answer.

In an interview with Variety, Peacemaker writer and director James Gunn was asked if they were considering having Gal Gadot and Henry Cavill show up in the scene in which he revealed that they were not planning for them to appear at all. "I don’t really think so," he said. "I really thought it was going to be just Jason. And Ezra was more like the extra thing because I found that he was interested in doing it."

Afterward, Gunn was also asked about the absence of Batman and Cyborg in the team to which he had a more cryptic response. "You know, I don’t know what I can...," he said. "There are reasons for it, but I’m actually uncertain whether I can say what those reasons are. It might have to do with future stuff."

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While Gadot and Cavill didn't show up during the Justice League cameo, we did see their respective character's silhouettes so they still made an appearance in some capacity. There's also the fact that both actors are busy and in-demand right now so it might be difficult for Gunn to have them show up on set for half a day and shoot their quick cameo.

The interesting part is the absence of Batman and Cyborg since they are also part of the Justice League in the DCEU. Based on Gunn's response, it looks like Warner Bros. and DC have something to do with their absence and he wasn't allowed to use the characters. A good guess is that perhaps it's because Batman is going to have multiple appearances this year on the big screen and they don't want to oversaturate him while Cyborg has an uncertain future in the DCEU given the issues with actor Ray Fisher.

But either way, it's still great that the show was able to have Momoa and Miller physically show up and do a fun scene that served the joke that they've been setting up since the first episodes. A lot of fans were certainly delighted by their cameo appearance and it was just great to see the Justice League again even if it's only for a very quick moment.

Also Read: Peacemaker Finale Confirms Absurd Rumor About Aquaman and Fans are Furious

The first season of Peacemaker is currently streaming on HBO Max.