James Cameron Congratulates Avengers: Endgame for (Finally) Beating Avatar’s Box Office Gross

Last weekend proved to be a big one for Marvel Studios. Besides the official announcement of their Phase 4 slate, Avengers: Endgame had officially surpassed Avatar as the highest-grossing box office film of all time. Not to be bitter about anything, director James Cameron has posted up an official post congratulating Marvel Studios for taking the top spot.

Check this out:

It's funny that Cameron should make this post since not too long ago, he was quoted saying that he hoped for franchise fatigue to hit Marvel Studios soon. Ironic since he's also coming back to a lot of his big franchises with Terminator: Dark Fate and the Avatar sequels.

If anything, Cameron is doing good for conceding to Avengers: Endgame after all this time. I guess it would just be weird if he ended up bitter and tried to top everything with his upcoming Avatar sequel. Even George Lucas sent his congratulations to Cameron when Titanic beat Star Wars for the top spot at the box office.

With Avengers: Endgame finally beating Avatar, I'm sure fans can put to rest the "will it won't it beat Avatar" talk online. For months people have been talking about "Avatar v Endgame" so now we can just focus on the next big thing—the home release for Avengers: Endgame.

For now, you can still catch Avengers: Endgame in theaters, and the movie hits digital July 30 and Blu-Ray/DVD on Aug. 13.

See Also: Avengers: Endgame Finally Beats Avatar As Top Grossing Film Of All Time