Is That A Deleted Hulk “Bust Out” Scene In The Infinity War Gag Reel?

Avengers: Infinity War just dropped on digital HD this week, and the release brings with it a smorgasbord of featurettes, deleted scenes, and other bonus features. The film's home release also includes a hilarious gag reel that not only sends fans leaning back in laughter, it also gives away interesting reveals about the third Avengers installment.

According to CBR, one of these reveals is a potential Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) scene during the battle of Wakanda at the very end of Infinity War. Before the release of the Avengers movie, fans cooked up a theory based on Infinity War's toy tie-ins showing Hulk bursting out of the Hulkbuster.

Because of action figure sets like the "Hulk Out Hulkbuster" fans speculated that Bruce Banner would pilot Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) Hulkbuster armor and then break out of the piece as Hulk during the Battle of Wakanda.

Now, a quick shot present in the gag reel of Infinity War suggests that the Hulk break out scene really was shot for the film with Ruffalo wearing a giant torso and CGI gear that indicates he might have been shooting scenes where he'd transform as Hulk in the film.

Check out a photo of the scene down here:

It's pretty interesting to think that the scene might have actually been part of the film. Hulk breaking out of the Hulkbuster armor would have been exciting to watch. However, while it's possible that the scene was actually shot and deleted after the toys started leaking the "Hulk out" scene, it's also likely that this might have been one of the fake scenes the Russo brothers shot for the film. Marvel used every means necessary to avoid spoilers from leaking to the public including providing the cast with fake scripts and shooting fake sequences for the movie. Fans who'd want to know whether the "Hulk out" scene was real are better off asking the Russos, really.

Avengers 4 is set to debut on May 03, 2019.

Read: Paul Bettany Says The Russo Brothers Are Making Avengers 4 "The Biggest Movie Of All Time"