New Amsterdam is a medical drama that first premiered on NBC in 2018. The series follows Max, the newest medical director of the hospital, as he does his best to make the world a better place through the hospital, one patient at a time, with a simple question: How can I help?
The fourth season of the series has ended, but will the doctors and staff of New Amsterdam return once more?
Is New Amsterdam Canceled?
Sadly, yes, the season was canceled. The series' last season premiered on September 2022. New Amsterdam has been renewed for a fifth season on March 2022, and it seems there are no plans to renew the series one more time.
The last season of New Amsterdam introduced new characters while closing the arc of others.
Universal Television President Erin Underhill told Deadline how much she believed in the show, since the beginning.
When I first read the pilot script for New Amsterdam, I knew we had a winner. We cheered Max’s disruption of the status quo and applauded when he asked his patients the simple yet profound question, ‘How can I help?’ Over the last four seasons, David, Peter and our incredible cast have tackled important and thought-provoking stories that have touched on the human condition, but also made us laugh and imbued hope. We’re so proud of this series and are indebted to everyone involved in bringing New Amsterdam to life. Bravo!