Good Omens was an Amazon Prime original series that first hit the screens in 2019. The show is based on the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, following the humorous adventures of supernatural beings who set out to prevent the apocalypse from happening.
It has been a few years since the first season of the series was released. Will we be getting a Good Omens season 2?
Is Good Omens Season 2 Canceled?
No! Good Omens Season 2 was not canceled. Gaiman first announced the renewal of the series in his June 29, 2021, blog post.
I got to use bits of the sequel in Good Omens — that's where our angels came from. Terry's not here any longer, but when he was, we had talked about what we wanted to do with Good Omens, and where the story went next. And now, thanks to BBC Studios and Amazon, I get to take it there.
Gaiman gave us updates about the series during the 2022 New York Comic Con, where he debunked some theories about the show and said that there would be 'a lot more heaven, and a lot more hell' in the second season.
If things go as planned, and the gods smile upon the production, we may see Good Omen Season 2 by Summer 2023.