Iron Fist Season Two Will Be Shorter Than Other Netflix Marvel Shows

Everyone is rooting for Iron Fist season two to be better than the first, which managed to have a few qualities and fans despite plenty of flaws. The second season has a more action-packed premise, with an all-out gang war and the inclusion of Daredevil villain Typhoid Mary. Still, Netflix seems to be aware of the first season's criticisms as the second season will be shorter than the first.

While the first had 13 episodes, which is normal for Netflix Marvel shows aside from Defenders, IGN has confirmed that the second season of Iron Fist will only have 10 episodes. To be fair, that is still more episodes than Defenders and an argument could be made that the previous Marvel shows could have had shorter seasons since some of them had pacing problems.

Each episode will be named after an issue of Iron Fist, which is a really nice touch. It shows that the people making the show have done their homework and want to make this series better. Here is hoping that 10 episodes are enough to tell this story and that the pacing is improved greatly because of it.

Iron Fist season two premieres in Netflix on September 7.

Read:No Definite Plans for Defenders Season Two or Luke Cage Season Three (Yet)