Iron Fist and Luke Cage Reportedly Lost a Lot of Viewers During Their Second Season

While fans have been raving over the excellence of Daredevil season three, a lot of them are still bummed about the recent cancellations of Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Though many feel that a Heroes for Hire series is coming, maybe after a Daughters of the Dragon spin-off, nothing has been confirmed thus far and many feel that Daredevil, Punisher, and Jessica Jones could be on the chopping block soon after.

According to Screen Rant, both shows may have been canceled since the two seasons lost more than half of their audiences that came with season one. Though Netflix doesn't reveal ratings for their shows, Jumpshot, a San Francisco-based analyst company, told Screen Rant that the second seasons of Iron Fist and Luke Cage lost 64% and 59% of their viewers respectively.

This is going to come off as a shock to many since Luke Cage was one of the most acclaimed Marvel Netflix shows, while the second season of Iron Fist was a huge improvement over the first. Admittedly, the rather disappointing first season of Iron Fist was probably why no one wanted to give the second season a chance but the supposed drop of Luke Cage is just baffling since it was great and the first season was already pretty solid.

Since Netflix hasn't confirmed this themselves, fans may want to take this with a grain of salt. Then again, the company does not release the viewership for their shows and original movies so what else can fans do? Here is hoping that we eventually get a valid reason for this happening.

Both Luke Cage and Iron Fist can currently be streamed on Netflix.

Read:Vincent D'Onofrio Says Daredevil Season 4 Isn't Cancelled