How to Fix Back 4 Blood: Common Problems, Issues, Bugs, Glitches and More Explained

Credit: WB Games

Credit: WB Games

The recent launch of Back 4 Blood was accompanied by several unfortunate problems, that have marred the experience of playing the game. We've compiled a list of several of the most common errors, with a brief explanation of what they are, and how you can try to fix them. Let's jump straight in, with no more delay.



The sign-in error simply tells players "Failed to sign in. You are currently prevented from playing online multiplayer games." Your best options for fixing it are as follows:

Start by checking the server status of the game. If the servers are down, wait until they're back up and running. If they are up and running already, the next step is to check your internet connection is working properly. Make sure your drivers are all fully up to date. Verify the integrity of your game files, and make sure you aren't overclocking your GPU. This runs the risk of damaging your components.

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Fatal error

This is most likely caused by an underlying issue with the Unreal Engine that powers the game. Turtle Rock Studios are yet to provide a definitive solution to this. The best thing to do is to start by making sure that your graphics drivers are up to date, as well as checking for any other pending software updates. You can also verify the integrity of your game files, in case something has become corrupted.

Other suggestions include going into your graphics sub-menu on Steam, and setting Post Processing Quality to Low. And finally, In the same graphics menu, some users have found that switching off Anti-aliasing seemed to work for them.

TRS Online platform error

If you are getting this error, the recommendation from Turtle Rock Studios is to switch from a Wi-Fi connection to a wired one. Wired connections are typically more stable than wireless.

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Other Issues

Disconnected from server

There are two commonly recognized fixes for this issue. The first is to disable cross-play. Several users have reported that this seems to have made a significant difference.

The second solution is a little more complicated. Make sure that you have installed the game on the same drive as your operating system runs from. For most people, this will be your C: drive. Once you've installed the game on the correct drive, restart your PC, and relaunch the game.

Matchmaking failed

If you've come across this glitch, there are a few steps to consider. Start by checking the server status of the game. Assuming everything is ok, try restarting Back 4 Blood. Next, follow the steps listed above - namely move the game to your primary drive, and disable cross-play. Finally, make sure that Easy Anti-Cheat isn't being blocked. If you get a permission prompt, be sure to grant permission.

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Can't move bug

Being unable to move is a problem in a survival game. If this happens, it seems to be linked to joining a match that's already underway. To overcome it, leave the match, and then rejoin.

Invite friends not working

There are a few suggested fixes, while we wait for the developers to create a fix for it. Try moving the game from external storage to internal storage. If you are the person sending the invitations, try getting the other person to send you an invite instead. Restart the game. Hard reset your device. Reset your router and if you can, switch from Wi-Fi to a wired Ethernet connection.

There are a lot of other bugs and glitches that are currently being worked on by Turtle Rock Studios. These are listed on a Trello board, should you wish to take a look. Given the newness of this game, errors and bugs are inevitable. Hopefully, it won't be long before these have been fixed.

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