The Golden Spoon is a Kdrama series that stars BTOB Sungjae, DIA Jung Chaeyeon, Lee Jong Won, and Yeonwoo. The Kdrama premiered on MBC on September 23, 2022, at 10:30 PM KST, with a nationwide viewership rating of 5.4%. The Golden Spoon ended with a nationwide viewership rating of 6.0% on November 12, 2022.
If you are curious how many episodes the Kdrama The Golden Spoon have, then read on.
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What is the Plot and Storyline of Kdrama The Golden Spoon?
Inspired by a webtoon of the same name, The Golden Spoon tells the narrative of a young man from a low-income background who, via a series of challenges, comes into possession of a magical spoon with the power to swap their lives with that of a friend from a wealthy background.
Here is the official synopsis for The Golden Spoon provided by Disney+:
This is a desire fantasy story about a child from a poor family acquiring a "golden spoon."
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How Many Episodes Does Kdrama The Golden Spoon Have?
Most Kdrama series has an average of 12 to 16 episodes, and the total duration depends on each airing. Some series have gone beyond that episode count, especially on Disney+.
The MBC Kdrama, The Golden Spoon, has a total of 16 episodes. The series started airing on September 23, 2022 and has since received stable nationwide viewership ratings until it concluded on November 12, 2022.
Where To Watch Kdrama The Golden Spoon Online with English Sub?
The Golden Spoon aired on MBC every Friday and Saturday at 10:30 PM KST. The series is also accessible to international viewers through online streaming on Disney+ with English subtitles for all episodes.
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