House Of M and Nova Were Supposed To Be In Avengers: Infinity War And Endgame

Marvel fans might already be satisfied with Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus' story for Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, but if things had gone differently, the two would have actually covered parts of House of M in the two-part Avengers movie.

Speaking in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Markus and McFeely talk about the different ideas they originally had for Joe and Anthony Russo's Avengers movie. These ideas came in a 60-page document, and not only did it include Richard Rider Nova, but it also included bits of House of M.

According to the screen writers, Nova would have taken the place of the Silver Surfer in the Infinity Gauntlet comic in the movie. Nova would have also been used instead of Hulk in the Sanctum Sanctorum scene in Infinity War.

"I remember going through several scenarios of Nova. Thanos could come and kill all the Nova Corps, except one guy. Richard Rider, who then becomes … I think in that scenario he became the herald, kind of like the Hulk was [in Infinity War when he crashed into the Sanctum Sanctorum]," Markus writes.

The screenwriter also wanted to include House of M in the film. For those who aren't familiar with the title, House of M is a major Marvel comic book event which sees Scarlet Witch breaking down and altering reality.

Though Mcfeely thinks that House of M "would be awesome," the writer says that Marvel still has "got to earn it" and that it might take a while for the MCU to reach that point. Besides, Marvel severely limited Scarlet Witch's power in the MCU. It's hard imagining her changing all of reality given her state right now.

Avengers: Endgame is currently screening in cinemas.

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