House of Gucci: Lady Gaga Reveals 'Hot' Scene With Salma Hayek

Credit: MGM/YouTube

Credit: MGM/YouTube

Lady Gaga revealed in a recent House of Gucci Q&A that she pushed for a sex scene between her character, Patrizia Reggiani, and Salma Hayek's Giuseppina "Pina" Auriemma.

Early in the film, Pina becomes Patrizia's friend and psychic, and she subsequently aids in the murder of Patrizia's husband, Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver). During the Q&A, Gaga said that while she presented the idea of the two ladies taking their relationship to the next level following Maurizio's death to director Ridley Scott, their sultry scene didn't make the final cut.

House of Gucci: Director’s Cut?

Gaga is now crossing her fingers for a director's cut.

The singer-actress recently told an audience (via Pop Crave): "There's a whole side of this film that you did not see, where Pina and I developed a sexual relationship.

"Director's cut, who knows? But this is a testament to [Scott] as a director, because he allowed us to go there," Gaga continued.

“You think she’s kidding,” Hayek said. She went on to say that House of Gucci viewers didn't get to see all of the two women's moments together as "two girls from a different class, kind of going at this big world."

Character Assassination

The fan-servicing sequence, however, may not have been enough to save the fashion thriller, which The Post branded "abysmal" and has a lackluster 63% fresh rating among critics on Rotten Tomatoes.

In a recent statement, the Gucci family slammed the film, accusing it of conducting literal character assassination.

“The production of the film did not bother to consult the heirs before describing Aldo Gucci — president of the company for 30 years [played by Al Pacino in the film] — and the members of the Gucci family as thugs, ignorant and insensitive to the world around them,” they fumed.

House of Gucci is more than just the headlines from the 1995 murder and ensuing trial. Based on Sara Gay Forden's novel, it opens in the late 1970s and chronicles Reggiani and heir Maurizio Gucci's relationship from romance to marriage to separation and his murder.

Reggiani is portrayed in the story as a Lady Macbeth-type who assisted Maurizio in rising to power and taking over the company from his uncle Aldo Gucci (Al Pacino) and cousin Paolo Gucci (Jared Leto).