High School Student Cleverly Mentions All VALORANT Map Names in Graduation Speech

VALORANT has become a global esports phenomenon ever since Riot released the tactical shooter last year, and now, one fan managed to cleverly incorporate the name of every VALORANT map in his graduation speech.

Many honorable high school students are required to make a graduation speech, and while some are nervous and take a more serious approach when it comes to talking about motivation, success, and the future that the students have to tackle, some take a more comedic approach while others try to be poetic with their deep message.

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Credit: Riot Games

In the video shared by Redditor Slice4971, the student can be heard mentioning all six available VALORANT maps (Bind, Split, Haven, Ascent, Icebox, and Breeze) in just a couple of sentences, and although the way he incorporated "Icebox" sounds forced, his words made sense in his poetic message.

"The future won't be a Breeze, but it won't be an Icebox either," the student declated. "As we Split on our different paths, continuing our Ascent to college and beyond, we can find a Haven in the communities we build and the common ideas that Bind us together as one class."

Most of the audience probably had no idea that he referenced every VALORANT map, but given the popularity of Riot's FPS, it's likely that many of them recognized the student's allusions.

Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many students to study from home, which likely gave them more time to play video games. The student who wrote the speech confirmed that he spent a lot of time playing VALORANT during class, but that didn't seem to stop him from graduating.

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Now, let's see if another student can make a graduation speech with all the weapon names in VALORANT.