Heroes Unleashed Coming Back to Star Wars Battlefront II This Weekend

With a disastrous launch last year, EA and DICE have been trying their best to try and save Star Wars Battlefront II from its terrible first impression. With the game slowly picking up the hype with the release of new heroes and maps, it's been announced that the Heroes Unleashed game mode is coming back this weekend.

Here's the official announcement from DICE's Ben Walke:

Though it's not always the case, these game modes sometimes have ways of becoming permanent in the game. The Ewok Hunt was supposed to be a limited game mode, but it turned out so popular that DICE made it a permanent part of the game.

Personally, I would prefer if Star Wars Battlefront II just introduced seasonal game modes since it's so hard to fill up games if there are too many choices. Though I would love to play Ewok Hunt, there's barely a chance for me to find a full game because other players would rather be playing Galactic Assault or Heroes vs. Villains. I bet if they made it a limited event, more people would be playing it whenever it was available.

For now, DICE is building up all the hype for the release of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Geonosis map later this month. After a month of no teases for Grievous, it looks like the devs are wanting to make up for it this November.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, while the Geonosis update (along with Obi-Wan) goes live Nov. 28.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II Geonosis: Upcoming Vehicles and Their Abilities