Respawn Entertainment might offer great graphics, great story, and great gaming mechanics in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, but it looks like the videogame developer refuses to allow gamers to fast travel in the Star Wars action-adventure shooter.
According to a report by US Gamer, Respawn doesn't want to offer a fast travel system in Fallen Order to make way for gamers who are excited the explore the game thoroughly.
Fast travel might be a common system in modern games that have players travel from one world to another, however, according to Respawn producer Blair Brown, the company decided against the mechanic so that it would encourage gamers to explore the game properly and to find the best ways to navigate through the obstacles left around the game.
"A lot of the game is traversal, re-traversal, and exploration," Brown told the entertainment news outlet, "Not having fast travel encourages the player to go off the beaten path; find quick routes, and master the level. Also as you play through you'll see some stuff that you wouldn't if you fast traveled through the critical path every time."
While this might appeal to gamers who like exploring different universes, this might frustrate gamers who prefer to focus on the game's goal than to stop and smell the roses while traveling from one place to another in the game.
We wonder how these gamers are going to take to Fallen Order when it releases, though we're hoping that its perceived shortcomings become negligible because of the game's better mechanisms.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 15.
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