Yesterday, word came out that Warner Brothers was having talks with Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame's Idris Elba for Suicide Squad 2. The studio wanted the English Golden Globes nominee to replace Will Smith in the film. Last week, we learned that the Bright actor had to step down from his role in the project due to conflicts in his schedule.
Though Warner Brothers has yet to complete negotiations with Elba, fans are starting to figure out their feelings about the actor replacing Smith, and now BossLogic has a little art piece to help everyone figure out what they'd like to see. Thanks to the popular graphic artist, fans now get to see what Elba might possibly look like if he were the new Deadshot of the DC Extended Universe.
"Quick pacific rim @idriselba into #deadshot rework! #suicidesquad2 if true, you have my attention :D @SuicideSquadWB"
Check it out down here:
While it's clear that this version of Elba was taken from his stint in Pacific Rim, the actor gets some pretty good armor that retains Deadshot's black, red, and silver color palette. Elba's even given the character's trademark scope over his left eye. Sure, there might be a few modifications in the design of the armor, but honestly, Elba looks pretty good as Deadshot.
Of course, as exciting as it might sound to have Elba as the new Deadshot, fans shouldn't get their hopes too high. Casting negotiations could fall through, though the report says that it's very likely that Elba's going to take the role.
Suicide Squad 2 has yet to receive a release date but we'll update everyone as soon as we get word.
Read: Another Original Suicide Squad Actor Won't Be in James Gunn's Sequel