Here’s The Cryptic First Promo Video For The Third Season Of Daredevil

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Marvel fan might still be waiting for Netflix to announce the official release date of Daredevil season 3, but it looks like Marvel TV's been keeping the fanbase busy with cryptic promo photos.

Posting on the official Marvel Twitter account, Marvel TV rolled out a brand new promo for the third season of its Daredevil series. In the video, fans get to see a missing flyer stapled on an electrical post. Dead center we get to see a picture of Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) in his signature look – suit and tie, round dark eyeglasses, and that impeccable stretch of lips.

Check the video out down here:

The video clearly shows fans what's to come after the events of The Defenders which left Matt Murdock "dead." Of course, while all of the members of The Defenders and all of the people that Matt knows think that Daredevil's pretty much dead, we all know that vigilante's going to make his way back to the small screen. After all, Matt did wake up to find himself being taken care of by nuns – a scene which many speculate to be a sign that Daredevil 3 will explore the "Born Again" story arc.

Now, with this new promo out online, we know that someone thinks that Matt's still very much alive. The only question is, who?

Do you have any guesses? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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