Yesterday, Keanu Reeves spoke in an interview with Screen Geek to help promote his upcoming film Replicas and during his discussion with the news outlet, the Hollywood A-lister revealed that he would actually want to play Wolverine if he were given a chance at a superhero role. While the John Wick star has had his fair share of action movies, it's actually a bit difficult to imagine Reeves as the gruff and gritty James Howlett of the X-Men franchise.
Luckily, fan artist BossLogic has a new piece imagining Reeves as X-Men's new Wolverine, and while this version of Logan seems like he needs a bit more meat on his bones, he certainly has that sharp edge.
"Heard the news today that Keanu Reeves would rather play Wolverine over Batman so I did a quick piece," BossLogic wrote in his post on Instagram. "Because he is one of my favorite people in the world I may just do a few versions. Hugh Jackman needs to give his blessings first."
Reeves is a talented actor who'd certainly be able to make a great Logan. He'd probably just need some muscle training to make him look a bit bulkier for the part. And of course, let's not forget Hugh Jackman's blessing. The original X-Men actor has become the face of Wolverine, playing the part for the past ten years for 21st Century Fox. Unfortunately, as well-loved Wolverine is, Jackman had to retire from the role after the character sacrificed himself in the dark and gritty character study film, Logan.
Some people have tried to get Jackman to put on back his claws, but despite the insistence of his fans and of Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds, the actor wants to remain retired from Wolverine.
The 21st Century Fox's next film, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, premieres June 7, 2019.