Earlier today the trailer for the upcoming Hellboy reboot had leaked on the official account, but it was then hastily taken down. That hasn't stopped the video from spreading all over the internet though. Now Lionsgate has officially released the trailer ahead of their Thursday schedule.
We don't have an official synopsis for the movie yet, but it does come with this short description:
Based on the graphic novels by Mike Mignola, Hellboy, caught between the worlds of the supernatural and human, battles an ancient sorceress bent on revenge.
Though some may miss the look of Ron Perlman's Hellboy, I kind of like how more stylized David Harbour's version is. His features may look a tad exaggerated onscreen, but he does make for some really great photos. I guess I'm just not a fan of the loose hair; where's Red's signature topknot?
David Harbour has said this film is not an origin story, and it will follow Hellboy figuring out what his place in the whole story is. If you ask me, that's usually them when it comes to the Hellboy films, with Hellboy trying to be a force for good despite the prophecies saying that he will be the bringer of the apocalypse.
Either way, I think the film looks great, and I think Harbour's Hellboy is just as fun as Perlman's. I do admit I am missing Abe Sapien and Liz though, not to mention Jeffrey Tambor's Agent Manning.
Catch Hellboy in theaters April 12, 2019.
See Also: David Harbour Talks His Version of Hellboy, New Image Released