Hellboy Reboot’s Early Reviews Give It Underwhelming Rotten Score

The Unwilling Harbinger of the Apocalypse is making his way back to the big screen in Neil Marshall's Hellboy reboot, this time with Stranger Things star David Harbour as the film's Big Red. However, while fans were hoping for the Hellboy reboot to do a particularly good job of adapting Mike Mignola's Dark Horse comics, early reviews for the film place it at a very, very bad place.

Hellboy's Rotten Tomatoes score is finally out, and it looks like the film is at an underwhelming 11 percent rating on the site with 19 reviews from different critics. While a film's critic score isn't an infallible metric that perfectly determines a film's success, the score means that 11% of the critics disliked the film more than liked it.

On the site, critics complain that about things like how the "violence and vulgarity replace the humor and poetry of Guillermo del Toro's superhero films," or how the film feels more like a "series of violent vignettes strung together getting more and more outlandish."

There are a few positive reviews though (four out of nineteen) with critics saying that audiences can actually enjoy the Hellboyreboot's over-the-top and messy fun if they just let go of the old Del Toro movies and keep an open mind. One top critic also praises the film for its ability to capture the "breathless quality of reading 30 issues of a single comicbook series in one sugar-addled afternoon."

So far we don't know how audiences are going to take the film, but we hope that it still does well.

Hellboy premieres April 12, 2019.

Read: Hellboy Actor David Harbour Essentially Confirms That He's in Black Widow