HD Stills Released from the Final Battle in Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame culminated in a climactic final charge of all the heroes going up against Thanos, and the scene ended up so iconic considering there's 11 years worth of build up behind it. With the movie finally out and the spoiler bans lifter, Marvel has officially released HD stills of that scene in the film.

What's cool is these images give us some great detail that we missed when we first saw the movie. For one, we get a glimpse of New Asgard behind Valkyrie and the soldiers when she enters into the fray. As it turns out, the place has some more fancy buildings than what we saw in the film.

This is also just me, but I think it's hilarious that Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy would be one of the characters in the frontline during the charge. I mean, what's she going to do, put enemies to sleep mid-battle?

We also get some great photos of the "A-Force" coming together in that one scene to save Peter Parker, and though it gets a lot of flak from some people for pandering, I think it actually worked out pretty well. I can't imagine another scenario where all these women heroes come together and team-up onscreen. The Russo brothers saw this chance and took it, and I think it paid off pretty well.

Avengers: Endgame's fire is starting to slow down with films like Detective Pikachu and John Wick: Parabellum coming out, but I'm sure it will eventually nab that ‘highest grossing movie of all time' spot eventually.

Catch Avengers: Endgame in theaters now.

See Also: Avengers Endgame: Marvel Releases BTS Photo of the A-Force Standing Together