HBO's Watchmen Only Planned for One Season but Could Get More Depending on Fan Reaction

HBO's Watchmen has a lot of people excited since it's essentially going to be a sequel to the original graphic novel from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. While there are some fans who are divided about someone else continuing the legacy of Watchmen, including Moore himself, we're all interested in seeing how this series turns out. Interestingly enough, fans are also going to determine how many seasons this show is going to get.

During NYCC (via CBR), Damon Lindelof revealed that current plans for HBO's Watchmen are to have it be a nine-episode season that tells one story. The fact that they're waiting for the reception to the series before planning a new one is pretty smart, though this could just be Lindelof telling fans what they want to hear. Hopefully, the series will be good enough to get another season.

Lindelof had this to say about the new series:

"One of the things that makes the original perfect is that those twelve issues were well thought out. There was a beginning, middle and end planned out. We had to do the same thing. We plotted these nine episodes with every mystery and question being resolved. We didn't want this season to end with a [cliffhanger]. Our job was to deliver nine episodes that delivered a complete story."

It's good to know that HBO isn't rushing to make this a long-running series like a lot of shows or movie franchises these days. Once again, if the series ends up being something worthwhile, we wouldn't mind getting another season or two.

HBO's Watchmen comes out later this month on October 20.

Read:HBO's Watchmen: NYCC Poster Refuses to Credit Jeremy Irons as Ozymandias