When an HBO Max Green Lantern series was announced, DC fans everywhere jumped for joy since it sounds like the best of both worlds. DC properties tend to translate better to TV than on the big screen and HBO has some of the best television serials out there so it's an absolutely wonderful combination. Though details on the series have yet to be revealed, many are relieved to know that Geoff Johns himself will produce the show.
Mad Ghost Productions, which Geoff Johns runs, posted a new listing that confirmed he would be working on the new project. No name for this series has been announced yet but many are predicting that it will somehow tie-in to the Green Lantern Corps movie that Johns is working on. Some of us assumed that the movie would be canceled in favor of this series but it looks like we were wrong.
Admittedly, Johns as a producer has been hit-and-miss as some of the DCEU movies have shown. Hell, he was involved with the terrible Green Lantern movie from 2011 so it's clear that Johns is no Kevin Feige when it comes to these superhero movies. Still, the writer has been involved with this franchise for a long time and wrote some of the best Green Lantern stories out there so that should be respected.
Very little is known about the HBO Max Green Lantern series. No release date for the planned show has been announced, as of this writing.
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