It feels like we've been going through Harley Mania recently, with the recent release of Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey and the DC Universe Harley Quinn animated series. While the former was a fun interpretation of the character, fans seem to prefer the latter since it takes more elements from the comics and is allowed to go all out thanks to the medium of animation. Fans dug the first season and we're shocked to find out that Harley Quinn Season 2 is coming out sooner than expected.
Rather than wait a year or six months, Decider announced that Harley Quinn Season 2 will be coming out on April 13. That's right, fans only have to wait for two months before they see the next insane chapter of this R-rated animated series. Granted, fans will still have to deal with a weekly release of episodes but if it can work for The Mandalorian, it will be fine for Harley Quinn.
This actually might not be huge news for those who have been following news on this series since it was originally announced that Harley Quinn Season 1 would originally have 26 episodes. Perhaps these are just the leftover episodes from the announcement and DC Universe is just repackaging them as a second season? Either way, fans won't mind since it gives them a breezy watch (when all the episodes come out).
Harley Quinn Season 2 will debut on DC Universe on April 13. Are you guys excited to see more of Harley's insane adventures?
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