Harley Quinn Animated Series Will See a ‘Technicolor’ Gotham Through Harley's Eyes

DC Universe may have canceled Swamp Thing, but they're still pushing forward with a handful of shows. One of which is the animated Harley Quinn series starring Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory) and executive producer Patrick Schumacker gives us an idea of what to expect from the show.

Talking during the Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour (via Daily Mail), Schumacker explains:

'We do have our own rules on the show. From the get-go, the pitch was this show is from Harley's perspective. So, on one hand, Gotham is going to be a lot brighter and more technicolor because this is through her eyes…"

The show also promises to have appearances from other DC heroes like Batman and Superman, and it's said that their versions of the heroes in the show are changed depending on how Harley sees them. Schumacker continues, "… Also, the way that we portray the heroes, who are usually lionized in the films, we can have fun with them. Like Batman is a real buzz kill and Superman tells dad jokes."

Though Harley is the lead, the show is still emphasizing that she's not one of the good guys, and Cuoco herself said, "The nice thing is that most of the time she's going up against villains who are worse than her. So you root for her in that way. She is a killer but those who are dying in her hands deserve it."

While DC has been hit and miss when it comes to live-action, they have been doing stellar work with the animation department, and I think that's why everyone is so excited to see Harley Quinn. Based on what we've seen so far, the show looks like a fun romp, and I can't wait to see Gotham through the Clown Princess of Crime's eyes.

Harley Quinn debuts on DC Universe sometime later this year.

See Also: DC Universe's Harley Quinn Will Tackle Her Abusive Relationship With Joker