Gushing Over Magical Girls is an upcoming anime based on an NSFW manga. For this anime’s release, Gushing Over Magical Girls will be available in three versions, one of which is an uncensored edition that will only be released in home video form.
The upcoming ecchi anime’s versions were revealed alongside the release of a new trailer. This latest trailer features more clips from the series and reveals three additional voice cast members.
Gushing Over Magical Girls Reveals More Cast Members in New Trailer
Previously, Gushing Over Magical Girls got a trailer that focused mainly on its protagonist Hiiragi Utena, as well as the trio of magical girls who act as Utena’s primary adversaries (and objects of affection).
This new trailer shows off more clips featuring new characters who are members of Enormita, the series’ Evil Organization.
It also previews the ending theme Togetoge Sadistic, which is performed by the Enormita members. You can check out the new trailer here:
Not all Enormita cast members were revealed, but the trailer shared three new cast members who voice members of the organization. They include:
- Yuka Aisaka (Narita Brian in Uma Musume: Pretty Derby) as Matama Akoya/Loco Musica
- Minami Tsuda (Tokiko Takamine in Skip and Loafer) as Nemo Anemo/Leberblume
- Kana Asumi (Nyaruko in Nyaruko: Crawling With Love!) as Vatz
These three will join the previously revealed VAs, including rookie voice actress Fuka Izumi as the main character, Utena.
The anime also features several well-known voice actresses such as Aoi Koga (Kaguya Shinomiya in Kaguya-sama: Love Is War) and Misato Fukuen (Himiko Toga in My Hero Academia).
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Gushing Over Magical Girls Uncensored: Where to Watch
Gushing Over Magical Girls’ Japanese TV broadcast will feature censored audio and visuals. This makes sense given that most TV versions of ecchi shows are also censored.
Meanwhile, the anime’s streaming platform version in Japan is called the “gushing” version. Unlike the TV broadcast, this streaming release will be more NSFW as not all of the visuals will be censored.
Finally, there’s the “ultra-gushing” version, the fully uncensored version of Gushing Over Magical Girls. It will only be available in the anime’s Blu-ray and DVD release in Japan.
This upcoming ecchi magical girl anime will premiere in Japan on January 3, 2023. There’s no word yet on which platform it will be streamed on outside of Japan. It’s also not clear which version will be released internationally.
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