Toei Animation
When Toonami aired the 76th English dub episode of Dragon Ball Super, fans saw Goku and Krillin take some herbal medicine with Krillin, and they made a trippy journey where they encountered villains from the past like 'Saiyan Saga' Vegeta and Frieza
At one point in their adventure, the Flying Nimbus appears and Goku jumped on the iconic cloud. The dub version shows Goku singing "Cha-La Head-Cha-La" as he jumped on the Flying Nimbus. The tune was a clear reference to the original Dragon Ball theme song.
When the Dragon Ball anime premiered in 1989, the song titled Cha-La Head-Cha-La by Hironobu Kageyama became the anime's theme song, and it's still one of the series' most iconic music so it makes sense why Goku would break the fourth wall.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly synopsis:
"This is the story of a new Saiyan. Earth is peaceful following the Tournament of Power. Realizing that the universes still hold many more strong people yet to see, Goku spends all his days training to reach even greater heights. Then one day, Goku and Vegeta are faced by a Saiyan called 'Broly' who they've never seen before. The Saiyans were supposed to have been almost completely wiped out in the destruction of Planet Vegeta, so what's this one doing on Earth? This encounter between the three Saiyans who have followed completely different destinies turns into a stupendous battle, with even Freeza (back from Hell) getting caught up in the mix."
Dragon Ball Super is available for streaming on Crunchyroll Saturdays at 7:15 p.m. CST. Toonami still airs the English dub of Dragon Ball Super on Adult Swim Saturdays at 9:30 p.m. It's also available to stream on FunimationNOW and Amazon. The upcoming Dragon Ball Super film will be released in Japan on December 14.
Read more: Dragon Ball Super: Broly is Coming to A Popular Game