The Godzilla vs Kong film recently released a new trailer. The two behemoths have proven to be a major to be reckoned with as the anticipation for the film was clearly evident with the new record it has achieved.
The hype for the movie is massive. Fans even started debating on who they are rooting for and who will win the battle.
The new Godzilla vs Kong trailer officially broke a very important record for Warner Bros. The trailer is officially the biggest trailer debut for Warner Bros. reported that Godzilla vs Kong's trailer immediately garnered a total of 25.6 million views across different platforms in just 24 hours.
Out of the 25.6 million, 15.8 million came from Warner Bros' YouTube Channel, and the other 9.8 million came from other secondary YT channels such as WB UK, HBO Max, the official Godzilla vs. Kong channel, and Legendary Pictures.
The 25.6 million defeated The Batman trailer which was released last DC Fandome. It also beats the 20.8 million views garnered by the Dune trailer after it was released. Godzilla vs Kong garnered massive views in a Sunday trailer release when many people are at home and would mostly not focus on entertainment-related things.
WB has been hyping up the trailer release. One of the reasons for the hype included the fact that the movie will have a theatrical release and HBO Max streaming release on the same day. This news provided an additional boost for the marketing of the films as consumers adapt to the new landscape of the movie industry.
Godzilla vs. Kong will be released on March 26, 2021, in the United States. It will have a simultaneous release on HBO Max and available theaters.
Related: Godzilla vs Kong Could Introduce Mechagodzilla into MonsterVerse