Gods Unchained, the top-selling blockchain game of 2019 from Immutable (formerly Fuel Games), has announced the addition of former Magic: The Gathering Arena director Chris Clay.
Clay directed Magic Arena to massive success, bringing it to 3 million active players and over a billion games played, and grossed more than $100 million. With 20 years of design and game development experience on his belt, Clay will help Gods Unchained prioritize new game features, visual designs and support the overall community experience for the game. With Clay's help, the team behind Gods Unchained hopes to break out the niche market of crypto gaming and capture the attention of traditional gamers.
"I believe blockchain represents a new frontier for game developers," said Clay in a press release. "Digital asset ownership on the blockchain lets developers support games and their communities in ways we've never seen before in electronic gaming. A blockchain card doesn't just sit in a database, it has the ability to travel the world and know where it's been. Esports pros, streamers, and artists alike can digitally sign and sell digital items to fans. Blockchain isn't just for digital currency; it is laying the foundation for a whole new digital economy."
Here's a video of Chris Clay explaining why he joined Immutable:
Last May, Clay announced that he's leaving Wizards of the Coast's Magic Arena. "I'd like to take a moment to thank the MTG Arena community and the Magic community as a whole for letting me be a part of it these past three years," Clay said. "Being the Game Director on MTG Arena and seeing it blossom thanks to the wonderful development team, my fellow Wizards, and the passion of all of you has been one of the highlights of my career. While time has come for me to move on, I hope to be a part of the community for a long time to come."
Additionally, Gods Unchained is launching debit card in-game purchases so the community will be able to purchase digital booster packs with their debit cards, not just Ethereum. Gods Unchained is an Ethereum-based esports game. Consequently, earlier during its pre-sale, the game developers allowed their community to purchase different digital card packs priced in ETH. Last month, the game officially opened its doors to gamers with its beta launch. Now, Gods Unchained intends to further its audience reach by reducing friction for first-time blockchain gamers.
"To date, blockchain games have provided a niche group of individuals a fun and experimental game ecosystem of NFTs," said Robbie Ferguson, Gods Unchained co-founder. "But now is the time for mainstream adoption. We need these games to show value, and we don't want ‘blockchain' to sit as just another buzzword. Gods Unchained will become a game that any person can play, regardless of their blockchain familiarity. And the fun of the game will not be predicated on the underlying tech."
With the addition of Chris Clay to the Immutable team, Gods Unchained looks like a promising game that fans of CCG and other strategy games will enjoy.
You can watch the gameplay trailer below:
Immutable is a company that leverages blockchain technology to create epic digital experiences.
Watch: Here's How You Can Play Magic: The Gathering Arena on Almost Any Mobile Device