Ghostbusters 3’s First Teaser Is Dark And Exciting

Columbia Pictures might have just announced Jason Reitman's Ghostbusters 3 today, but it looks like the film already has its own teaser trailer easing out whatever concerns fans have for the film.

Entertainment Weekly was the first to unveil the trailer this morning and the short 45-second teaser gives fans a taste of the dark and exciting film to come their way. Ghostbusters fans might be a bit wary of any plans Columbia Pictures has for the franchise after the spectacular failure that was Paul Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters reboot, but this teaser trailer eases out the tension, promising nothing but eerie, startling fun for everyone.

Of course, we can expect nothing but the best from Reitman, the son of the director of the original Ghostbusters movie, Ivan Reitman. The news of Ghostbusters 3 might have come as a surprise to some, but if Ivan's son wants to continue the legacy story with a new chapter, who are we to deny him? Going over the Ghostbusters reboot by Paul Feig, Reitman's Ghostbusters 3 goes back in time by playing in the same universe as the original film.

"I've always thought of myself as the first Ghostbusters fan when I was a 6-year-old visiting the set. I wanted to make a movie for all the other fans," the filmmaker said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, "This is the next chapter in the original franchise. It is not a reboot. What happened in the ‘80s happened in the ‘80s, and this is set in the present day."

Right now there's no word on original stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, or Ernie Hudson's return m but we're certainly hoping to see them in the film.

Ghostbusters 3 is set for release sometime in 2020.

Read: Ghostbusters 3 Underway with Director Jason Reitman