A lot of Ghostbusters fans were happy to hear about Sony going back to the original universe with Ghostbusters 2020, but Leslie Jones, who starred in the 2016 reboot, was not too pleased. Now director Paul Feig has come out to say that he supports Jones' stand.
Feig posts:
Unlike Jones though, Feig is still very supportive of the upcoming film; he's just showing his regrets that the universe he was building up won't be further explored down the line.
Personally, I don't think the reboot's failure didn't have anything to do with the all-woman cast at all; it failed because it was a terrible movie. I walked into that movie with high hopes, but I walked out utterly disappointed. The story was terrible, and though the individual actresses were funny on their own, they didn't have any chemistry with each other.
Not to mention that god-awful Fallout Boy cover for the Ghostbusters theme:
While Leslie Jones cried foul that the 2016 Ghostbusters was being brushed off for a project that's all men, rumor has it that this new film will focus on four teens, two girls and two boys. Hopefully, Jason Reitman has a good idea on a faithful follow-up to the franchise. Who knows, maybe down the line the 2016 Ghostbusters can make some kind of cameo?
But I honestly wouldn't bet on it.
Ghostbusters 3 is set to come out the summer of 2020.
See Also: Analyst Blames Ghostbusters Reboot's Failings On Star Wars