Despite the contentious finale of HBO's critically-acclaimed series Game of Thrones, a recent buzz has swirled following Kit Harington's King of the North, Jon Snow. According to recent reports, HBO is developing another sequel focused on Jon Snow after the events of the Game of Thrones, with, of course, Harington set to return.
Just recently, Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke — who played Daenerys Targaryen in the show seemingly vouched that the Jon Snow sequel is authentic, and it was Harington's idea. Now, Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin has finally authorized the sequel.
"It was Kit Harrington who brought the idea to us," Martin wrote on his personal site. "I cannot tell you the names of the writers/showrunners, since that has not been cleared for release yet… but Kit brought them in too, his own team, and they are terrific... Outlines and treatments have been written and approved, scripts have been written, notes have been given, second and third drafts have been written. So far, that’s all."
Just like what Clarke unveiled, the sequel is based on Harington's idea all along. According to a more detailed description of Martin, Snow is the working title for the series and is currently under the penning stages with a lot of reworks. While HBO currently restricts the author from disclosing more details about the sequel, Martin promised that he will share more once HBO approves.
Amazingly, two spinoffs would now follow Game of Thrones. First, House of the Dragon; a prequel set 300 years ago before the events of Game of Thrones, and the upcoming Snow that centers on the King of the North after the final war for the Iron Throne.
House of the Dragon premieres on August 21 while Game of Thrones is available to stream on HBO Max.
Also read: Game of Thrones: HBO Max Reacts to Kit Harington's Jon Snow Spin-Off Series