Netflix released the very first trailer for its highly-anticipated live-action adaptation of The Witcher yesterday and with the video came the series' official release date. To everyone's surprise, it seems like Netflix has decided to release The Witcher on December 20, the very same day when Lucasfilm is dropping Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
While the shared release date might seem like a battle for viewership, pop culture fans are geeking out over the connection between The Rise of Skywalker and The Witcher. Taking to Twitter, netizens have started celebrating December 20 as a brand new holiday for geek culture.
Check out some of the posts down here:
Pop culture fans are certainly going to be busy on December 20th. Not only is The Rise of Skywalker the longest Star Wars film to date, but The Witcher is an eight-episode series with each episode presumably running for an hour each on Netflix.
There's been a lot of excitement building up over The Witcher series. Sure, fans might have been a bit skeptical about Henry Cavill playing a young Geralt in the series, but the new trailer seems to have dispelled whatever doubts the fanbase had before. Not only does the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice star look great in the Witcher's armor, he has the voice and the feel of Geralt of Rivia too.
An adaptation of The Witcher books written by Andrej Sapkowski, the Netflix series is set to explore events before the game trilogy developed by CD Projekt Red.
The Witcher is set to release on December 20, 2019.
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