Game of Thrones Star Maisie Williams Also Clueless About New Mutants Production/Release Status

Does anyone remember The New Mutants? No, not the comic book from Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod but the movie based on that acclaimed series. Fans were actually looking forward to seeing that since it would have been the first superhero movie that will actually be horror-oriented. Sadly, it looks like Brightburn will beat that film to it and we're all still wondering what that film's fate will be, especially after Disney buying Fox.

One would think that members of the cast would know what's going on but Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams revealed that she doesn't know when the movie will ever be coming out during an interview with Rolling Stone. She says it in a more crass manner but that's okay since we're all getting steamed over this movie not coming out.

We're all hoping good things come for this movie, especially since it actually looks intriguing. The rumored reshoots would have added a new character and more horror elements but some reports have stated that they haven't been shot yet, due to the Disney-Fox merger. It definitely looks better than Dark Phoenix, which looks generic as hell.

The New Mutants is still slated for an August release but that could change. X-Men: Dark Phoenix comes out this June.

Read: Watch New Mutants Star Get Visibly Confused After Being Asked About the Movie's Release