Game Of Thrones Season 8 Title Sequence Confirms That Winter Is Here

Since the first season of Game of Thrones, people have been saying that "Winter is coming." Unfortunately, in Season 8, winter is finally here. The final season's title sequence clearly confirms this as it looks like Westeros is engulfed in snow.

The leak comes courtesy of Carice van Houten, who posted the short video on her Instagram story. The brief clip shows the new title sequence that was viewed at the Game of Thrones Season 8 premiere in New York, where van Houten was in attendance. You can watch the video here.

It's no surprise that the new title sequence would reflect just how chilly the final season is going to be. After all, the White Walkers have already torn down a portion of The Wall, thanks to the undead Viserion in the previous season finale. Unfortunately, it looks like the story will be moving forward quickly enough.

So what exactly will happen in the first episode? The title sequence may have offered a clue. It starts from the hole in the Wall straight to the Last Hearth, which is the closest settlement to the Wall. The sequence circles around the castle ominously before moving forward. Unfortunately, this brief focus on Last Hearth may have confirmed that House Umber will be the first to experience an attack from the White Walker army.

However, there are some hopeful ideas about Last Hearth. A few fans are hoping that Tormund Giantsbane, Beric Dondarrion, and Edd Tollett will manage to get there first to warn the Umbers. Either way, Last Hearth will still be the first stop for the Night King.

Game of Thrones Season 8 will premiere on HBO on April 14.

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