Game Of Thrones: New Prince Of Dorne Identity Possibly Revealed

The final season of Game of Thrones may have answered a lot of questions but Season 8 also left fans baffled with some new mysteries. For instance, where did Drogon take Daenerys Targaryen's corpse? Additionally, who was the new Prince of Dorne who was introduced in the season finale?

The appearance of the new prince certainly had people scratching their heads. After all, it seemed like the entire Martell family has been wiped out when Prince Doran and Prince Trystane Martell were murdered in the sixth season premiere. However, actor Toby Osmond, who played the mysterious prince in the final season, may have revealed his character's identity.

Osmond recently spoke to Screen Rant, confirming that his character didn't have an official name (we'll just call him Prince of Dorne then). However, he was quick to point out that he isn't playing Doran's older son Quentyn Martell but the younger brother of Doran and Oberyn Martell.

"A lot of people have suggested Quentyn Martell, of course. But just doing the math, I thought, well, Prince Doran's kid… I'm just, I'm too old, unfortunately. There's no way I could be a brother of Trystane because he could probably be my son, to be honest. So I just figured I was the younger brother of Doran and the Red Viper. Or, there was an interesting fan theory about another house in SunSpear and Dorne, I can't remember the name of it. But I'd like to think that I'm a Martell," Osmond said.

We'll just have to point out that Doran and Oberyn don't have a surviving younger brother in the books (Mors and Olyvar both died as infants). However, the series may have changed things up once again, making one of those boys survive and eventually become the new Prince of Dorne. It's just a shame that the series missed out on the opportunity to introduce Arianne Martell as the new Princess of Sunspear.

Do you think the new Prince of Dorne is a Martell? Sound off in the comments below.

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