The Battle of Winterfell from Game of Thrones' final season has garnered a mostly positive reaction from fans, with some even claiming that the battle is better than the climax of Avengers: Endgame. However, many were also critical about the epic battle from HBO's gem of a show since it was hard to see for a number of fans, thanks to the emphasis on darkness, and others felt like Jon Snow and Daenerys' strategy to fight the White Walkers was really poor.
During an interview with Vox, two military experts were asked about the strategy the living came up with to battle the White Walkers. Both of them felt that they could have done a lot better and no, it's not just complaints about how the dragons should have been used more.
One complaint comes from the living's lack of defensive strategy. While they knew that the White Walkers would outnumber them, they should have let them come and try to break their heavily fortified base instead of having people charge at these corpses from the get-go. As if that wasn't enough, Jon and Dany also got heat for sending The Dothraki first, since they are more speed-based warriors.
Had they been heavily armored and equipped with heavy weapons, the strategy to have them be the opening fighters would have worked. But since they were still used based on their speed, it didn't work and a number of them were lost to the White Walkers. Yikes.
Just to be clear, fans can still enjoy Game of Thrones. It's a show about a bunch of rich folks fighting for a spiky throne with dragons and ice zombies in the mix, so let's not expect realism to get in the way.
Game of Thrones only has three episodes left. Are you ready?
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