Game of Thrones Fan Proves That Jon Snow Wasn't Useless During The Battle of Winterfell

The Battle of Winterfell is over and the common consensus is that Game of Thrones husbando Jon Snow knows nothing and does nothing. His strategy to take on the Night Walkers was pretty flawed and the supposed heir to the Iron Throne can't even ride a dragon properly (unless it's Daenerys). Considering how Arya basically saved the day and proved herself to be best girl of all gurlz, one fan has found some proof that Jon wasn't completely useless.

While some fans thought it was just funny to see him scream at the undead dragon, Reddit user Applesoapp revealed that he was actually distracting the dragon so that Arya could kill the Night King. If you listen closely, you can hear him shouting "GO" so that Arya can rush through the Night Walkers as Snow prepared to sacrifice himself to ensure his little sister got the kill.

[SPOILERS] Jon screamed..

Does this mean fans will stop making memes of poor Jon Snow? Probably not. Let's face it, the character is all heart but not much for brains, which is somewhat endearing. Fans probably wouldn't have it any other way and it did give Arya an amazing moment that people will be talking about her killing the Ice King for years to come.

Game of Thrones has three episodes left, with the fourth episode airing later this week.

Read: Game of Thrones Cinematographer Speaks Out on Battle of Winterfell's Lighting