Game Of Thrones: All The Deaths In Season 8's Latest Episode The Last Of The Starks [SPOILERS]

Many tears were shed in the previous episode of Game of Thrones. However, the worst isn't over just yet. Although the new episode of the final season had a relatively low body count, that doesn't mean they weren't enough to make people bawl their eyes out. Unfortunately, the deaths are inevitable and these were necessary for pushing the story forward.

SPOILERS AHEAD! Major Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 spoilers here so proceed with caution!

The latest episode The Last of the Starks should have been a celebration of survival and hope. After all, the Night King has been defeated and Daenerys Targaryen can finally prepare to face Cersei Lannister and take the Iron Throne. But before that, there were some minor deaths that didn't actually kill any people.

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During the celebration after the battle, Tormund Giantsbane realized that Jaime Lannister also wanted to be with Brienne of Tarth. The idea actually broke his heart, something that he tells The Hound, who is simply not interested. Luckily, some Northern girls are eager to help heal Tormund's broken heart but we're counting that down as a death, as in the death of a possible relationship that just wasn't going to happen in Game of Thrones.

Can you actually bear to leave your home without saying a few tender words to a loyal companion? Then you're not as strong as Jon Snow, who managed to exchange a few words with Tormund, Gilly, and Sam but only stared at Ghost for a few moments. Ghost is still very much alive (although he is missing an ear) but we're pretty sure the direwolf's heart died when Jon left without even petting his head.

Now, we're in for the real deaths in the episode. The Targaryen fleet was somehow confident that they could reach King's Landing without much trouble. Big mistake. The Iron Fleet has been waiting for them and Euron Greyjoy now has a bigger dragon-killing scorpion that he immediately used on Rhaegal. The smaller dragon didn't even have a chance as three of those gigantic bolts ripped through his chest and neck. For now, Rhaegal will be swimming with the fishes. RIP you sweet loyal dragon.

As if losing a second dragon isn't enough, Daenerys is set for another heartbreaking loss before the episode ends. When the Iron Fleet defeats her ships, Missandei is taken captive and brought to Cersei Lannister, who tries to get Dany to surrender in exchange for her loyal friend. When Dany refuses, the Mountain promptly decapitates Missandei but not before she says one ominous final word: "Dracarys."

It's a dangerous word and one that is even more deadly when spoken to Daenerys. While The Last of the Starks only had two (real) distressing deaths, they were the two deaths that could lead to more senseless killings next week.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 will air on HBO on May 12.

Related: Game Of Thrones Season 8 Recap: The Last Of The Starks Is Here [SPOILERS]