Ever since Game of Thrones debuted, one of the most beloved characters on the show has come out to be Tyrion Lannister played by Peter Dinklage. With the show set to end next year, Dinklage talks about his character's arc ending and how he thinks it was a pretty good conclusion for Westeros' infamous Imp.
Talking to Vulture, Dinklage explains that he's pleased with how Tyrion's arc turned out; what's more, he's not ruling out that Tyrion doesn't die either. Dinklage says, "I feel very, very — I'm trying to find the right word. I think he was given a very good conclusion. No matter what that is - death can be a great way out."
Admittedly, Dinklage has a lot to thank for his Tyrion role as it's lead to his rise to becoming an A-list actor. After Tyrion, Dinklage has managed to nab roles in films like X-Men: Days of Future Past and Avengers: Infinity War. He's even starring in a thriller called I Think We're Alone Now.
No doubt Dinklage's popularity has dwarfed his Dwarfism, and he's been getting roles that don't even have anything to do with his condition at all. He's just a fantastic actor, and his work onscreen is just amazing.
Hopefully after Game of Thrones ends, Dinklage will still find himself in interesting roles. I mean, the role of Tyrion is all about trumping his condition, and that's what makes the character so interesting. I'm just wondering if there are any more roles out there for Dinklage that don't necessarily have anything to do with his short stature.
Game of Thrones 8 comes out sometime in 2019.
See Also: Game Of Thrones Season 8: Iain Glen Reveals Which Character Will Survive