Future Dragon Age and Mass Effect Games Will Be Heavily Influenced by Anthem

Although there is a lot of excitement for Bioware's upcoming game Anthem, fans have wondered about the next installments for Dragon Age and Mass Effect. While the latter's most recent game, Andromeda, was considered a disappointment, many loved the last Dragon Age game, Inquisition. Obviously, Bioware is putting in all of their efforts into Anthem right now but depending on how well it does, the next Dragon Age and Mass Effect could follow the game's footsteps.

During PAX West (via VG24/7), Bioware revealed that Anthem would get constant updates that add more to the game's story. They are hoping that months after the game's release, they will release new story updates that expand on certain characters, which players will be able to experience. It's a model that Bioware seems to be interested in and are hoping they can bring it to their two other big name games.

"We've got the continuation of stories after we've launched. If you remember back to the ancient times we released a game and that would the story for a set of characters, and we released DLC that enabled us to tell unique bits of story afterward. For Anthem, where we'd all like to see us head, is the ability to tell new great stories throughout the years, throughout the months after launch. So AfterAnthemwe can say, okay, now we're going to expand the storyline for one of those Agents, or now that certain points in the gameworldhave happened, this changes the relationship, this changes this character, this changes the type of missions for certain characters. Or even we add new characters, we add new Agents. We can do all that and Anthem gives us the tools to do all that."
"My point is that I hope that future games, whether it's Dragon Age or the other one that starts with ‘Mass', continues to
this kind of storytelling."

Free updates aren't a new idea but if executed well, would be perfect for these Bioware RPGs. Everyone is hoping that Anthem can bring the sci-fi RPG goodness that Andromeda couldn't and if that game's free story DLC does well, it could bode well for future Dragon Age and Mass Effect games.

Currently, Anthem is scheduled for February 22, 2019. Dragon Age: Inquisition and Mass Effect: Andromeda are available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Read:EA and Bioware's Anthem Getting Demo in February