Now that we're a few months away from its release, Sony has decided to unveil the full line-up for the PlayStation Classic coming in December. Taking a cue from Nintendo's NES and SNES Classics, this will be a mini-console that has 20 games and two controllers that emulate the glory days of the PSOne. Expect this to be a huge seller when it comes out, so reserve your copies early.
Prior to this, we only knew about Final Fantasy VII, Wild Arms, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer, and Tekken 3. So, without further ado, here are all the games that will be packed inside the PlayStation Classic, courtesy of the PlayStation Blog:
Not a bad list of games to be honest but there are a number of classic PlayStation games that are not included, which will definitely upset many. While it is cool seeing Syphon Filter, Twisted Metal, and the very first Persona game, then known as Revelations: Persona, the lack of other well-known titles like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Klonoa, Final Fantasy: Tactics, and Suikoden II among others is pretty baffling.
Admittedly, games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee are bonafide classics. Underrated games like Jumping Flash also deserve a spot in this list. Still, they could have added some other titles fans have better memories of.
What do you think of the full line-up for the PlayStation Classic? Will you be picking one up this December?
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