The Suicide Squad is a quasi-reboot and semi-sequel of David Hayter's 2016 Suicide Squad film but with Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn at the helm, hence why everyone's so excited. We've seen a few BTS photos here and there but fans have been waiting for an official first look at the movie but nothing has come yet. Thankfully, that wait will be ending soon as James Gunn has confirmed that our first look at the movie will take place during DC's big Fandome event.
On Twitter, Gunn stated that The Suicide Squad is 100% his baby with zero interference from Warner Bros. before promising that we'll see a first look at the movie during Fandome. While he didn't outright say if we would see a trailer or some images, most of us know that a "first look" is nothing to complain about.
Unless they just show the logo, which is just BS.
Gunn also hinted about the movie's rating after a fan questioned if it would be PG-13, which should get fans talking. Since Birds of Prey was able to get away with a hard R rating, we're hoping that this movie gets it too, not because edgy adult movies are better than PG-13 ones but because Suicide Squad can use that rating well. If you've read any Suicide Squad comic, you know that an R rating is perfect for this movie.
Whether it's a trailer or a group shot of the characters, we're excited to see what James Gunn has in store for The Suicide Squad. An all-star cast has been confirmed and most of them are probably going to die so this should be a lot of fun.
DC's Fandome is scheduled for an August 22 release, while The Suicide Squad comes out next year.
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