Final Fantasy VII Remake Shows Off Its Pre-Order Summons

Final Fantasy VII Remake keeps on teasing us with its content, knowing that it won't be coming out for another month thanks to the delay. Granted, we'd rather have a really good game that's late than a broken mess coming out early but it can be a bit annoying, though fairly enticing. It seems like Square Enix is going to keep on doing that, recently showing off some of the new summons we will be able to use.

All three of them, Cactuar, Carbuncle, and Chocobo Chick are pre-order bonuses for the game, though it's assumed that you can get them while playing. They all look pretty handy in a fight, with Cactuar constantly damaging foes with its needles, Carbuncle protecting Cloud and his party with a barrier, and Chocobo Chick unleashing some spells on foes. Footage from trailers also showed a herd of Chocobo attacking a foe once so that might be part of Chocobo Chick's attacks.

The Final Fantasy VII Remake summons won't just be one-turn attacks that cost MP like in the original game, with the developers taking a cue from Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy XV and letting these creatures do attacks on their own. They also have their own health bar, making it seem like an extra party member, though we'll assume that they can't actually die when "killed" and will likely just need time to recover.

With fan-favorites like Ifrit and Shiva confirmed, it's hard not to get excited about this game. Final Fantasy VII Remake is now slated for an April 10 release. Let's hope that another delay isn't being planned.

Via Square Enix and Gematsu

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