Final Fantasy VII Remake Delay Won't Affect Future Entries

Final Fantasy VII Remake would have been released next week had Square Enix not delayed it but we can't hate them for that. Sure, it would be so much better if the game was complete and available next week but game development is hard and waiting one more additional month is far from a bad thing. Due to this delay, fans have started fearing the development of the game's sequels but Square Enix says there's nothing to worry about.

During a conference call, Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda was asked about the delay affecting the next installments for Final Fantasy VII Remake and he simply said "no, it will not." Considering how the game already has a beautiful graphics engine in-place, this will probably ensure more efficient development when it comes to the next few parts.

The delay really was unfortunate but when compared to Final Fantasy XV, which was rushed to release and needed to be patched up for more content, and this is nothing. Sure, Final Fantasy XV also went through a number of changes and delays but that was also due to creative control and a number of other complicated things. Final Fantasy VII is a remake so they already have a solid foundation to build on.

We're almost there guys. Final Fantasy VII Remake will be coming out on April 10 for the PS4. It will come to other game systems after a year.

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