Ezra Miller broke their silence after being involved in a string of scandals in the run-up of their upcoming movie The Flash. They apologized for their actions, but not everyone was convinced.
Ezra Miller Apologizes For Behavior, Seeks Treatment
The embattled actor, who identifies as non-binary and uses the pronouns they/them, released a statement after being involved in several controversies. Miller apologized for the way they behaved and said they were seeking treatment.
"Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues and have begun ongoing treatment," Miller said in a statement to Variety. "I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I am committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe and productive stage in my life."
Is Ezra Miller's Apology Genuine Or Is It A PR Move From Warner Bros For The Flash?
After Miller broke their silence, several netizens and personalities reacted. Greg Alba, host of the Reel Rejects admitted that he was "apprehensive" of Miller's statement.
"I'm very apprehensive towards the statement because, yeah I mean, I think all of us would more than likely agree, most of us even the ones who would say 'we are the ones for Ezra Miller,' I think there's no denying that there is mental health issues that definitely need to be worked on," he said.
Alba said it was good that some with the same issue owned it up, but he found "calculated words" in Miller's statement, which for him was "still not about owning up to the past actions."
He explained that he was having that mentality because he believed that "just because someone has mental health issues doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for one's actions." He agreed that they should go and get mental health treatment but should face the same punishment.
His co-host video creator Johnald echoed the same sentiment pointing out the lack of acknowledgement from Miller about the things he did, especially to those he hurt.
Johnald said there should be a "direct acknowledgment that you have hurt people around you." Alba chimed in, saying, "there's not really that, it's like 'I've alarmed and I've upset people with my behavior.'"
Johnald agreed, saying, Miller's statement was "insular" and "it's more about me than it is about anybody else out there."
Alba hoped those whom Miller harmed could find resolution from their statement.
The duo also joked about "damage control", suggesting that it could be a PR stunt from Warner Bros. as Miller's The Flash is due 10 months from now.
Johnald said he would not be surprised if someone would call them and threaten them for what they said. However, Alba sounded more sure, saying, the fact that Miller was finally speaking "doesn't seem coincidental at all."
"This is all really lining up with everything we've been hearing [and] reported on. Yeah, and a weird time to drop the information."
Several Twitter users also felt it was a PR stunt from the studio, which doesn't want to drop The Flash because it spent an estimated $200 million for the DC project, People reported.
"WB execs: 'We'll give you £5 million if you put out this apology that our PR team has drafted and then lock yourself away until after The Flash is released,'" Digital Marketing and e-Commerce Professional Steven Nash tweeted. "Ezra Miller: 'Done.'"
"And just like that, late night, WB seems to have done what they should have since 2020: making #EzraMiller seek help + publicly address his behaviour," Luis Fernando wrote on the micro-blogging platform. "It’s a PR disaster that both actor & studio took so long to address and only did when #TheFlash release’s genuinely at stake."
The Flash will hit the big screen on June 23, 2023.
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