Extended Detective Pikachu TV Spot Reveals Two New Pokemon

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu has impressed a lot of fans thus far, thanks to some solid comedy and very impressive-looking Pokemon, though some of them look like the stuff of nightmares. The latest TV spot for this movie has two more Pokemon; one of whom is super cute and the other looking creepy as hell, though that might be on purpose for once.

Our cute Pokemon is Pancham, who was introduced in Generation 6 (Pokemon X and Y for those not familiar with the Gen numbers). Sliding down a bamboo pipe, Pancham is just as cute here than it is in the video games, which is a real nice touch. Fans will want plushies of this character, along with Pikachu and Bulbasaur.

Then, there's our nightmare fuel; Gengar. Gengar is a Ghost-type Pokemon so it should look creepy but they may have gone overboard, which might be a good thing, to be fair. Even in its anime form, Gengar has always been a little cute so making it scary might have been a good choice in the long run. Then again, some of us did like Gengar as a creepy cutey.

We'll probably see more Pokemon in the actual film and fans can't wait. Just look at Bulbasaur and Pikachu, who are the cutest things ever. Pokemon: Detective Pikachu comes out on May 10.

Read: Ryan Reynolds (Thunder) Shocks Fans With Short but Sweet Detective Pikachu Trailer