Star Wars fans have recently received quite disappointing news with regards to the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. The Disney+ show has been anticipated by many since it was announced, however, it is said to be delayed and that the episodes will even be reduced from 6 to 4. That being said, it looks like Ewan McGregor doesn't seem all that worried about the news and even praised the scripts for the show.
"It's just slid to next year, that's all," McGregor told IGN at the Birds of Prey media event. "The scripts were really good. I think now that Episode IX came out and everyone at Lucasfilm's got more time to spend on the writing, they felt like they wanted more time to spend on the writing."
The actor said he read "about eighty, ninety percent" of what was written so far, and he thinks that it's "really, really good." Instead of the scheduled shoot in August, McGregor claims that the studio wanted to start shooting in January. "Nothing more dramatic than that," he added. "It often happens in projects, they just wanted to push it to next year."
McGregor says despite the delay, the show will still have the same release date. He thinks what has happened won't "affect" the scheduled set for release. "They're still shooting towards having the film [show] release when it was going to be originally," he explained.
The Obi-Wan series is said to be delayed because the scripts were similar to that of The Mandalorian's story and that Lucasfilm is already looking for another writer to pen the show.
What are your thoughts on the series getting delayed? Tell us in the comments below!
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