Most people would insist that Kumail Nanjiani was the perfect actor to play Kingo in Eternals. However, playing an Eternal was not the first Marvel Cinematic Universe role that Nanjiani was considered for. James Gunn has confirmed he wanted the Stuber star to join the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. However, the filmmaker had to scrap his plan because Kevin Feige stepped in.
There have been speculations that Nanjiani was originally cast in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which meant he couldn't play Kingo in Eternals. However, the sequel was reportedly delayed by COVID-19 and it gave Nanjiani the time to work on the Chloe Zhao film.
Not surprisingly, the rumors have reached Gunn who immediately took to Twitter to explain exactly what happened with Nanjiani's casting.
According to Gunn, he had already written a special cameo for Nanjiani in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. However, Marvel boss Kevin Feige had called him to share that they had "a primary role for Kumail in Eternals."
"I said of course I’d rather see him do that then my bit," Gunn wrote. He then pointed out that he doesn't recall the Eternals casting "having anything to do with the schedule change."
It's great to know that Gunn was willing to let Nanjiani take on a major role in Eternals instead of a cameo in Vol. 3. However, it also has people wondering what Nanjiani's role in the third Guardians film could have been.
Gunn has already clarified that it wasn't a major comic book role but it would still be interesting to find out who Nanjiani almost played in the MCU.
Nanjiani plays Kingo in Eternals, which is now screening in theaters. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is currently in production and is scheduled for release on May 5, 2023.
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