El Diablo Was Originally Going to Survive Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad will go down in history as one of the odder DC films released. Despite plenty of negative reviews from critics, it made a lot of money and has a ton of fans, with new spin-offs coming that will focus on Harley Quinn. This movie, much like Justice League, was supposedly a victim of reshoots that muddled the original tale that director David Ayer wanted to tell.

Another victim of the reshoots? El Diablo, who was the only likable character in the bunch and had a decent enough character arc that made fans care about him slightly. Most fans know that he was killed by Enchantress' brother at the end of the film but as some new footage has shown, it turns out that he was supposed to live.

VFX artist Francisco Franco recently posted his demo reel on Vimeo, showing some footage of Suicide Squad. The ending bit is shown and it has El Diablo standing with his comrades, which was not in the theatrical release. It seems like they only killed the character in an attempt to make audiences feel bad.

Demo Reel 2017 - VFX Compositing (with breakdowns) from Francisco F on Vimeo.

While the character is likely dead, the sudden implementation of his demon form might mean that he lives somehow. This is based on a comic book so pretty much anything can happen. Hell, this is a universe where Superman was brought back to life.

Admittedly, the footage doesn't really reveal the future of Suicide Squad 2, which fans are hoping is better than the first. It would be cool to see El Diablo again but let's not get our hopes up.

Read:Jason Momoa: Justice League's Snyder Cut is 'Better Than What We Got'