Edgar Wright will be Live-Tweeting about Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for #WatchWithTheAcademy

Edgar Wright is known for a lot of great films, but probably one of his most celebrated is his adaptation of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Just in, Wright has announced that he'll be live-tweeting about the movie this Wednesday, and he'll be sharing some behind-the-scenes stories for the movie.

Here's the announcement:

We don't really know what's in store for Wright's live-tweeting session, but knowing how meticulously detailed his movies are, I'm excited to see what stories he has to tell. I'm very curious if he has any stories about working with Chris Evans, seeing as this was him pre-Captain America. Maybe Wright can also relate that to his work on Ant-Man before he left the project.

Personally, I loved Scott Pilgrim vs. The World when it came out. It was proably one of the films that introduced me to Wright's unique style, and I love the blend of video games and reality that the world presented.

Admittedly, you kind of have less appreciation for the film after you've read the original comics by Bryan Lee O'Malley. You'll realize that a lot of characterization was thrown out the window to compress the story for the film. Also, I thought that Michael Cera was miscast after reading the comic-Scott. Then again, that's just really my opinion. I still enjoy the film very much.

Catch Wright's live-tweeting session for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World this coming Wednesday.

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